Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Simple sumalak recipe. Samanu, samanak, sumalyak.

Central-Asian/Persian wheat-sprout pudding. Simple and doable, sans preludes and enormous quantities. Still cumbersome and yields only a bowl of the pudding but so worth the trouble.
You'll need:
1 cup wheat grain (I used Bob's Red Mill Khorasan wheat berries)
2 cups flour
1 Tablespoon ghee/2T veg oil

Soak the grain 8-24 hours, drain, set out in a flat dish. Rinse twice a day. Cover if getting too dry. Sprout to about 2 inches, right before/as it starts turning green. Refrigerate if unable to use at that point. Use within the week.

Cut the  solid mass of sprouts into quarters and blend each quarter with a cup of water, chopping small beforehand. Blend well. Strain the liquid into a crock pot/similar device, use your hands to wring out as much of the liquid as possible. Discard the solids. Process all of the wheat this way.

Add 1.5 cup of the liquid to two cups of flour in a bowl and mix well making sure there are no clumps remaining. Feel free to add a little more liquid and to use a whisk/mixer. Add this mixture to the crock pot.

Add the ghee/oil and set to high. It might take 16-20 hours to cook. You are aiming for light-chocolate color and fairly thick  consistency, to taste. Cool before serving.